NYS Teaching Artists Training (Cohort B)

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Not Enrolled
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February 22-24, 9am-11am EST

Welcome NYS Teaching Artists. We are looking forward to meeting you. We have a lot to cover over the three sessions, so please plan to join each day on time and take notes. We will share the slide decks with you at the conclusion of the series.

Below please find Zoom registration links and resources related to each of the three days of training.

Training Description | Trainer Bios
Post-Training Resources | Evaluation Survey
Mentorship Program

Day 1

Ageism, Creative Aging Program Models, and Older Adult Learning Principles

Monday, February 22, 2021, 9am-11am EST

Thanks for attending today’s session. You may stream the recording via the link below.

Please review the following resources prior to Day 1:
“Creative Aging: Enriching the Lives of Older Adults Through Arts Ed” [3:12]
“Overview of the Field” with Vinny Mraz [6:14]
“Let’s End Ageism,” TED Talk by Ashton Applewhite [11:38]
“Creative Aging: Isolation to Connection,” E.A. Michelson Philanthropy [2:49]

Day 2

Demonstration Classes and Remote Program Design

Tuesday, February, 23, 2021, 9am-11am EST

Thanks for attending today’s session. You may stream the recording via the link below.

Please review the following resources prior to Day 2:
“Creative Aging: In-Person to Online,” E.A. Michelson Philanthropy [3:20]

Day 3

Partnering with Older Adult Communities and Curriculum Development

Wednesday, Feb. 24, 9-11am EST

Thanks for attending today’s session. You may stream the recording via the link below.

Please review the following resources prior to Day 3:

Translating Visions into Plans Worksheet (PDF) | (DOCX)

Post-training Resources

NYS Creative Aging Initiative Teaching Artist Mentorship

Eligibility & Overview

All teaching artists who attend this training are eligible to apply for the NY State Creative Aging Initiative Teaching Artist Mentorship. There will be 16 mentorships available to coincide with the 16 creative aging programs offered via this initiative.

Each mentee selected will be placed in a program scheduled to be delivered over a single 6-week period between May and November 2021. Classes will meet once per week for 90 minutes. Each class series will also feature a culminating event (delivered asynchronously online or via an additional synchronous session).

Mentee Responsibilities

Mentees will assist the lead teaching artist (mentor) throughout the class series in the following ways:

  • Communicating with participants
  • Providing technical assistance with Zoom
  • Modeling participation and engagement
  • Facilitating small group activities
  • Helping to plan and prep for the culminating event

Mentors will assign mentees specific lessons to teach during the second half of the class series. The mentor will observe the mentee’s teaching and provide feedback during a reflective process facilitated by Lifetime Arts.


Please prepare the following before accessing our online application:

  • Professional teaching artist resume (PDF to be uploaded)
  • Contact info for one professional reference*: first name, last name, organization, business phone, business email address (to be input into our application form)

*Please provide us with a professional reference who can attest to your teaching abilities. Do not submit a reference who was a previous student, friend, or family member.

Deadline & Notification Information

The application deadline is March 15th, and we will notify applicants in June.

Training Description:

Together, we will explore current research on arts and aging; inherent biases about aging; best practices in creative aging programming; adult learning; developing responsive programming that is inclusive, representative, and equitable; the importance of community partnerships; and how to plan, implement, and sustain successful in-person and remote programming.

In addition to covering Lifetime Arts’ Creative Aging Foundations course material, this 6-hour training will also examine and demonstrate andragogical approaches to the development of sequential, skill-building, socially supportive instruction. Teaching artists will gain an understanding of best practices in both in-person and remote program delivery.

This training will include the following demonstration classes:

  1. Theatre
  2. Drawing & Assemblage
Lead Trainers:
Julie Kline
Education Associate
Antonia Perez
Lifetime Arts Trainer
New Trainers/Facilitators:

Daniela Del Giorno
Jade Lam

Staff Facilitators:

Nathan Majoros (Stage Manager)
Lindsey Miller (Day 1 & 3)