Training for Brooklyn Library Programmers 2021

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May 3-5, 2021, 10am-12pm ET

Welcome Brooklyn Public Library Programmers. We hope you enjoyed attending this training as part of Brooklyn Digital: Connecting through Creative Aging, an innovative partnership between the Brooklyn Public Library and Lifetime Arts, made possible through support from The New York Community Trust.

What you need to know:

  • All training recording links are available in each training day section
  • All post-training resources are available for your convenience
Training Description | Trainer Bios
Post-training Resources | Evaluation Survey

Day 1

Ageism Workshop and Creative Aging Program Models

Monday, May 3, 2021, 10am-12pm ET:

Please review the following resources prior to Day 1:
“Creative Aging: Enriching the Lives of Older Adults Through Arts Ed” [3:12]
“Overview of the Field” with Vinny Mraz [6:14]
“Let’s End Ageism,” TED Talk by Ashton Applewhite [11:38]
“Creative Aging: Isolation to Connection,” E.A. Michelson Philanthropy [2:49]

Day 2

Demonstration Classes and Remote Program Design

Tuesday, May 4, 2021, 10am-12pm ET
Please review the following resources prior to Day 2:

Creative Aging: In-Person to Online from E.A. Michelson Philanthropy on Vimeo.

“Creative Aging: In-person to Online,” E.A. Michelson Philanthropy [3:20]

Day 3

Preparing for Programming – Now and in the Future

Wednesday, May 5, 2021, 10am-12pm ET
Please review the following resources prior to Day 3:

Patron Survey (PDF) | (DOCX)
Planning Meeting Template (PDF) | (DOCX)
Sample Teaching Artist Budget for Remote Creative Aging Programs (PDF)
Sample Post-Program Participant Survey (PDF) | (DOCX)
Culminating Event Audience Survey (PDF) | (DOCX)

Post-training Resources

Teaching artist resources for class design & budgeting:
Research supporting the creative aging arts education model:
Technology support & accessibility considerations:

Training Description:

This 6-hour training will introduce librarians and library staff to the creative aging field including current research that underpins best practices, as well as its history and background.

Participants will analyze and evaluate their own ideas about aging and how that informs their work with older adults, and will experience best practices in remote programming through participation in a remote artmaking workshop.

Additionally, librarians will be trained to support remote creative aging programs; surveying patrons to plan responsive programming; identify, work and plan with teaching artists; recruit and market for online creative aging programs as well as documentation and evaluation best practices.

This training includes the following demonstration classes:

  1. Collage
  2. Dance/Movement
Lead Trainers:
Headshot of Director of Education, Annie Montgomery.
Annie Montgomery
Director of Education
Antonia Perez
Lifetime Arts Trainer
Demo Artists

Asma Feyijinmi (Dance/Movement)

Antonia Perez (Collage)

Trainer Facilitators

Ann deVere

Asma Feyijinmi

Staff Facilitators

Julie Kline

Nathan Majoros

David Woehr (Stage Manager)