Community Agreement for Training Participation

Guidelines for Participating in Lifetime Arts Training

The Creative Aging Foundations course is designed so that learners can engage experientially and actively throughout the three days of training. Lifetime Arts Trainers will offer guidance and expertise in creative aging, but our main goal is to create a collaborative learning environment where participants learn from one another. To do this successfully, we ask all participants to actively participate and engage during the sessions just as if we were together in person.

We request that you:
  • Keep your video on if you have a camera on your computer, tablet, or phone.
  • Keep your microphones muted, unless asked to unmute yourself.
  • Engage in all activities and contribute ideas when invited to do so.
  • Break-out room group discussions will be used often, please be ready to fully participate.
  • Add questions or comments to the Chat anytime. Trainers will track the questions and will address questions that come up during the Q&A sections at the end of every day. Feel free to share resources with your fellow learners via the chat as well.
  • Review training assignments and videos in the portal prior to each day’s session so you can be fully prepared to engage in the training. The resources for each day are marked in the portal. These resources will be referenced often in the training and your responses will be discussed in break out groups during the synchronous sessions.
  • Have paper or notebook and pen/pencil/marker available for notes and activities during the training.

Community Agreements

  • Be present. Honor this time to learn and share in community with others.
  • Limit distractions in your learning space: To remain focused on the training, set aside other work-related responsibilities during the three sessions.
  • Take care of yourself: Do what you need to be present in the space
  • Some discussion questions are personal – especially with regards to feelings regarding age and aging.
  • Please hold space for one another, and share only what you feel comfortable sharing.
  • What’s said here stays here, what’s learned here leaves here.

By clicking on the ‘Mark Topic Complete’ button below, you agree to these guidelines and community agreements.